Business Resources

Take what you need and give your business a boost!

Justine McLean, a woman with long blond hair, wearing glasses, a bright pink jacket and white shirt, smiling at the camera, on a pale pink background.

Business Resources

Take what you need and give your business a boost!

PDF Downloads
Take the Quiz
Weekly Dispatches
Who is Justine?

PDF Downloads

Info Booklets for Action Takers

An image of the new financial year checklist workbook cover


Want to make more money this year?

Of course you do!

Kick the new financial year off right with a step-by-step checklist that will change the way you do business.

Graphic of a pdf cover with an image of Justine McLean holding a calculator, and other digital devices


Business money got you confused? 

I love a good habit and I'm sharing 10 habits tried and tested Business Money habits that will help get your finances under control.

A digital tablet and phone showing the image of a pdf cover


Does your cash flow need a boost? 

Here's 30 ways to save money in your business and give that cash flow the boost you need now, no matter how bad the economy is!

Weekly Dispatches

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Listen to our latest podcast. Subscribe to listen on Apple, Spotify and iHeart.

Listen to the Podcast

Where's all the money gone?

Find those money leaks and stop them for good! 

No money panicked 3 am wake-ups. If it’s time to take control of your money, take the quiz and get simple, practical, actionable strategies to help you stop the money leaks.

Plus I’ll recommend the best podcasts to listen to and next steps.Take the quiz and discover what's causing the holes in YOUR business bucket!


Where's the hole in your business money bucket?

Discover how to plug that leak and make more money!

Take the Quiz!

Hi, I'm Justine!

A little about me and how I came to be doing this...

As an entrepreneur with 30 years of real business experience and a registered BAS Agent (Business Activity Statement), I get asked for advice about numbers all the time (which I love!).

Much like you, throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I've experienced allllll the ups and downs of running a small business. And if there’s one thing I know for sure – there are no shortcuts to success… especially when it comes to the finances.

Along the way, I've discovered the practical, tried, and tested solutions that solve just about EVERY business pain point. That’s why I’ve made it my life’s mission to share those strategies with other purpose-driven, like-minded businesswomen!✨.

After running multiple brick-and-mortar retail stores and TWO successful e-commerce businesses, I understand what you need to create and run a successful business.

Now I’m packaging that knowledge up and showing you how to improve profitability and incorporate strategies so you can achieve your business and financial goals.

There are lots of ways to work with me, from one-to-one coaching and mentoring or group programs to our signature program that takes the guesswork OUT of numbers and gives everything you need to know about profitability, it's called Business Money Magnet.

I've got a new book coming in June 2024, so keep an eye out for that too.

We’re here to help small business owners just like you increase  financial literacy and get good at the money stuff.

→ I’ve done it for hundreds of other business owners, and I can do the same for you!

Want to work with me? Learn More >