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Podcast Ep. 79 Alex Elliot Howery - The Food Saver's A-Z - How to reduce waste in your kitchen

books business podcast Nov 08, 2022
Alex Elliot Howery, a woman with red hair pinned up, wearing a long-sleeved blue shirt, and book co-author, Jaimee Edwards, a woman with short blond hair wearing a shirt-sleeved white shirt, in the kitchen, smiling at the camera

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Did you know that of the 7.6 million tonnes of food we waste in Australia every year around 70% of that is edible? 7.6 million tonnes, it equates to about 312kg of food wastage per person. I mean wow, but we’ve all been there, it’s the end of the week, tomorrow is bin day and you’ve got a fridge full of food you meant to use. But one thing led to another and it would be so much easier to order Uber Eats that have to deal with it. Can you relate? 


Well today’s guest, Alex Elliot-Howery might just be able to help. Alex and co-author Jaimee Edwards from Cornersmith have a new book, The Food Saver’s A-Z which literally takes us through an alphabet of food sharing their tips to reduce food waste. Their mission to create simple and delicious recipes that will help us save time, money and build community through ethical food choices.

In this episode you'll learn:

  • some fun ways to reduce waste and save on the grocery bill;
  • menu planning tips that take the argh out of meal planning;
  • creating simple, delicious food on a budget; and,
  • how to create a business that inspires a community.

You can buy The Food Saver's A-Z from all good book stores. Connect with Alex on the Cornersmith website.


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