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Podcast Ep. 53 Lisa Corduff – Managing the seasons of business

business mindset podcast May 09, 2022
Black and white photo of Lisa Corduff , a woman with blond hair, resting her head in her hand, smiling at the camera, on a dark background

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How many hats do you wear everyday? Mum. Business owner. Partner. Friend. The list goes on. It's no wonder we feel exhausted, stretched too thin, helping everyone but ourselves most of the time. 

Today's guest Lisa Corduff found herself in this exact position and was sick of it; something had to change. Rather than give up and in the middle of a life-changing family crisis, Lisa leaned into what she was feeling and began to ask herself one question. 

In this episode of the podcast, Lisa is going to share the one simple hack she discovered that changed her business and her life. It's something she uses every time she feels overwhelmed and it's a game changer. We're also talking about the seasons of business; why it's important to recognise them, lean in and walk through them with grace.

Lisa Corduff started her business using free email and sending recipes to her subscribers. Today she runs a seven-figure business and has helped thousands of women not only feed their families but upgrade their mindset, get ‘unstuck' and change the stuff that's not working in their lives.

Lisa's new audio series 30 Days 30 Ways to Make Life Easier is available now over on her website.

Connect with Lisa on Instagram or visit the website.


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